Mahdollistavat maailmat

Näkökulmia China Miévillen Embassytown-romaanin outouteen

  • Hanna-Riikka Roine Tampereen yliopisto


The Worlds that Make it Possible. Weirdness of China Miéville’s Embassytown

The article argues that the acts of both creation and reception of fiction are dependent, in a sense, on such a construction as a world. Firstly, world-constructing is seen as a sense-making process: it is the human way of comprehending reality. When it comes to fiction, though, world-constructing is not only a result of the human urge to create significance but also about taking a leap into something new, something that does not yet exist. With the analysis of this twofold nature of fictional worlds,the article moves towards a more comprehensive account of literary dynamics which both emphasizes the meaning of an actual reading process and keeps the medium-specific features and conventions firmly as part of the analysis. The article puts forward the idea that the shape of the process of world-construction is a circle or a loop. The analysis of this process in China Miéville’s Embassytown (2011) reveals the weirdness of speculative fiction and participates in speculation of importance of the so-called secondary worlds.
Dez 1, 2012
Roine, H.-R. (2012). Mahdollistavat maailmat: Näkökulmia China Miévillen Embassytown-romaanin outouteen. AVAIN - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti, (4), 21–36.