Julkkiskirjailijan ja bestselleristin brändi

Jari Tervon tapaus

  • Tarja-Liisa Hypén Tampereen yliopisto


The Brand of the Celebrity Author and the Bestselling Author: The Case of Jari Tervo

In the 21st century, the celebrity author has begun to interest researchers not only as a marketing phenomenon, but also as the literary institution’s own phenomenon. In my article, I explore the relationship of the celebrity author to the so-called acclaimed authors of modern times.

In Anglo-American research, the celebrity author and the bestselling author are distinguished as separate author types, but in my example author, Jari Tervo, these types combine. For almost 20 years, Jari Tervo has been among both the most sold and the most visible celebrity authors in his in Finland. I examine how the publicity and brand of the Finnish celebrity author are formed. I consider how the brand affects the author’s works on one hand, and the reception of the works on the other. I point out the limiting effect that the brand has, but also examine the way it allows the author mobility on the literary fields while combining the high and the low, as well as the opportunity to influence the society with his production.
jun 1, 2012
Referera så här
Hypén, T.-L. (2012). Julkkiskirjailijan ja bestselleristin brändi: Jari Tervon tapaus. AVAIN - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti, (2), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.30665/av.74868