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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

(updated 16/12/2022)

Työväentutkimus Vuosikirja (The Finnish Labour Studies Yearbook), Author Guidelines



Writing instructions for peer review articles


Peer review process


Peer-reviewed manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts. More detailed instructions on peer review process can be found at


Once the manuscript has passed the peer review process, it is assigned to editorial board. If significant changes to the manuscript are proposed at this stage, the manuscript is returned to author for revision.


The editorial board of Työväentutkimus Vuosikirja conducts all the reviewing and editing of non-peer-reviewed manuscripts. If significant changes to the manuscript are proposed by the editorial board, the manuscript is returned to author for revision.


Final decision on publication is made by the editor-in-chief.


Anonymisation of peer-reviewed manuscripts


Prior to peer review, the author should ensure that the manuscript is anonymous. The author’s name in file should be deleted, and the citations should be edited so that the author is not easily identifiable from the manuscript. If the author's name is mentioned on the manuscript, it should be replaced by [Author]. After the peer review, the author corrects such entries and adds his or her first and last name, status and affiliation at the beginning of the manuscript.


Sending manuscripts


Send the manuscript via the Open Journal System,




Provide a short abstract of maximum 1000 characters. The abstract should not contain any references.




Include 3–6 keywords with your abstract.


Maximum length


The maximum length must not be exceeded. Reference markings are included in the maximum length.


Structure and style


Use “Times New Roman” with a 12-point font, and 1.5 line spacing.

Give your text a title. Subtitles may also be used. Do not number the titles.

Do not use hyphenation.

You can use Italics to emphasize a particular word, but do it sparingly.

Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation. In other cases, use double quotation marks.

Indicate omissions within a quote by square brackets and three dots: […].

Indicate additions or changes to direct quotes by square brackets. E.g.: ”[L]uuli norjalainen toverimme meidän puhuvan leikkiä.”

Number and title images, figures and tables (e.g. Fig 1. Title.). Insert images, figures and tables into their desired positions and, in addition, provide them as separate files.




Use the notes and bibliography system of the Chicago Manual of Style:

Use footnotes for citing. Provide full bibliographic information in a reference list at the end of the paper.

The first time you cite a source, give full details in the footnote. Abbreviate subsequent entries of the same source to author's surname, first two words of the title, and a page number. For example: Alapuro, State and Revolution, 32.

In footnotes, separate multiple references by a semicolon.

Give URL in full.








Citation order: Author(s), Title of book (Place of publication: Publisher, year), pages cited.

Risto Alapuro, State and Revolution in Finland (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), 23.


Reference list:

Citation order: Author(s). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Alapuro, Risto. State and Revolution in Finland. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.


Chapter in an edited book



Citation order: Author(s), "Title of article," in Title of book, ed(s). Editors (Place of publication: Publisher, year), pages cited.

Jorma Kalela, "Teoriattomuus historiantutkimuksen yhteiskuntasuhteessa," in Menneisyyden rakentajat: Teoriat historiantutkimuksessa, eds. Matti O. Hannikainen, Mirkka Danielsbacka & Tuomas Tepora (Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2018), 20–21.


Reference list:

Citation order: Author(s). "Title of article." in Title of book, editors, page span. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Kalela, Jorma. "Teoriattomuus historiantutkimuksen yhteiskuntasuhteessa." In Menneisyyden rakentajat: Teoriat historiantutkimuksessa, editors Matti O. Hannikainen, Mirkka Danielsbacka & Tuomas Tepora, 20–45. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2018.


Article in print journal



Citation order: Author(s), “Title of article.” Title of journal volume, issue, (year): pages cited.

Lewis Young, “The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931.” Labour History Review 84, 1 (2019): 45.


Reference list:

Citation order: Author(s). “Title of article.” Title of journal volume, issue, (year): page span.

Young, Lewis. “The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931.” Labour History Review 84, 1 (2019): 21–46.


Article in e-journal



Citation order: Author(s), “Title of article.” Title of journal volume, issue, (year): pages cited, DOI.

Lewis Young, “The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931.” Labour History Review 84, 1 (2019): 45,


If DOI is not available, provide accessed day, month, year, URL.


Reference list:

Citation order: Author(s). “Title of article.” Title of journal volume, issue, (year): page span. DOI.

Young, Lewis. “The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924–1931.” Labour History Review 84, 1 (2019): 21–46.


If DOI is not available, provide accessed day, month, year, URL.


Article in newspaper



Citation order: Author(s), “Title of article,” Title of newspaper, date of publication.

Arto Miettinen, ”Ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka puhutti piirikokouksessakin,” Viikko Pohjois-Karjala, 14.4.2022.

The page number is usually omitted when referring to newspaper articles. However, if you think the page number is necessary, insert it after the date of publication. For example, in the above case: 14.4.2022, 6–7.

In reference list, the name of the newspaper is usually sufficient. However, if you think a more specific reference is necessary, it should be indicated as follows:

Citation order: Author(s). “Title of article.” Title of newspaper, date of publication.

Arto Miettinen. ”Ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka puhutti piirikokouksessakin.” Viikko Pohjois-Karjala, 14.4.2022.


Unpublished dissertations and other theses



Citation order: Author(s), “Thesis title” (Thesis level, Institution, year), pages cited, DOI or other persistent identifier.

Matti Mieskonen, “Kirjallisuuteen kietoutunut käsite: Tulenkantajien historiakuvan rakentuminen 1924–1987” (Dissertation, University of Turku, 2020), 32,


Reference list:

Citation order: Author(s). “Thesis title.” Thesis level, Institution, year. DOI or other persistent identifier.

Matti Mieskonen. “Kirjallisuuteen kietoutunut käsite: Tulenkantajien historiakuvan rakentuminen 1924–1987.” Dissertation, University of Turku, 2020.


Archival sources


In footnotes:

Citation order: Archival record, date (day, month, year), identifier (call number, box number, file number, etc.), name of collection, name or abbreviation of repository.

When using identifiers and abbreviations, follow the guidelines of the repository.

It is recommended that citations to archival sources are in their original language. However, if you think it is necessary, you can translate citations to archival sources to the language you use in the article.

Protocols of Social Democratic Party Council, 30.10.1917, CB1, Archives of the Social Democratic Party of Finland, TA.


In reference list:

Citation order: Name and abbreviation of repository, location, name of collection.

Labour Archives (TA), Helsinki. Archives of the Social Democratic Party of Finland.


Further information

For further information, please consult the editorial secretary:


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