When the Eastern Neighbour Transformed: Finland, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Rise of Russia, 1990–1992
Finland, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Rise of Russia, 1990–1992
Finland, Soviet Union, Russia, FCMA treaty, kylmä sotaAbstract
The disintegration of the Soviet Union is one of the most important political events of the 20th century. One of the most decisive factors in the process was the question of nationality and, in particular, Russia’s aspirations for independence. The collapse of the Soviet Union also marked a major turning point in Finland’s foreign policy.
This article examines the change in the Finnish-Soviet relations and the formation of Finland’s policy towards Russia in 1990–1992. The study uses the methodology of archival material based historical research.
The economic and social crisis in the Soviet Union forced Finland to re-evaluate the foundations and goals of Eastern policy. On the one hand, Finland sought to support Gorbachev and his reforms, but on the other hand, Finland built relations with Boris Yeltsin’s Russia. The article shows that the Finnish leadership sought to avoid the impression that Finland took advantage of the unclear situation and weakness of its eastern neighbor, because it might backfire later.
This article examines the change in the Finnish-Soviet relations and the formation of Finland's policy towards Russia in 1990–1992. The study uses the methodology of archival material based historical research.
The economic and social crisis in the Soviet Union forced Finland to re-evaluate the foundations and goals of Eastern policy. On the one hand, Finland sought to support Gorbachev and his reforms, on the other hand, Finland built relations with Boris Yeltsin's Russia. The article shows that the Finnish leadership sought to avoid the impression that Finland took advantage of the unclear situation and weakness of its eastern neighbor, because it might backfire later.
Eduskunnan arkisto (EA), Helsinki.
Kansallisarkisto (KA), Helsinki,
Mauno Koiviston arkisto (MKA).
Tasavallan presidentin kanslian (TPK) III arkisto.
Päivälehden arkisto (PA), Helsinki,
Arto Astikaisen arkisto (AAA).
Ulkoasiainministeriön arkisto (UMA), Helsinki,
Jaakko Blombergin kokoelma (JBK).
Helsingin Sanomat
Suomen Kuvalehti
Uusi Suomi
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