Kommunismens svarta bok and the Shadow of the ”Left Danger” in Sweden


  • Ville Pekka Okkonen




communism, Sweden, history politics, anti-communism


This article examines the history politics of communism based on the reception of the Kommunismens svarta bok (1999), the Swedish translation of the Le Livre noir du communisme (1997), and the teaching material of the Forum för levande historia. The core of the research material is formed by the digitized newspapers from the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket). The material has been mainly searched by the title of the book discussed in this article. To clarify the image of communism in the conservative circles, additional searches have also been made to the newspaper collection. According to the research results, there has been an ongoing and heated debate of communism in Sweden. The Conservatives have used interpretations of communism against the Left and the Liberals. In doing this, the conservatives have also sought to challenge left-wing politics as such.





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How to Cite

Okkonen, V. P. (2021). Kommunismens svarta bok and the Shadow of the ”Left Danger” in Sweden. The Finnish Labour Studies Yearbook, 35, 71–90. https://doi.org/10.37456/tvt.109513