Peer review
Peer review
The articles published in the Työväentutkimus Vuosikirja are generally peer-reviewed. The journal uses the license for peer-reviewed scholarly publications granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The journal is committed to the terms of the license ( From 2016 onwards, the journal has used the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies’ badge for peer-reviewed articles:
Peer-reviewed manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts. The peer-review process is anonymous (double-blind review). Each referee writes a statement in which he/she proposes the manuscript to be either rejected or accepted with revisions. The editor-in-chief of the Työväentutkimus Vuosikirja will decide, based on the reviews, whether or not the manuscript is accepted, and whether or not it needs to be edited by the author. The author should finalize the manuscript according to the reviewers’/editors’ suggestions in a given timeline. If the author is requested to make changes, he/she is asked to draft a report, detailing the revisions made to the manuscript. Final decision on publication is made by the editor-in-chief.