Episteemisyys, yksilö ja yhteisö
adverbi, keskusteluntutkimus, modaalisuus
Epistemics, the individual and community (englanti)2/1997 (101)
Esa Lehtinen (University of Tampere; skesle@uta.fi)
In the literature on modality much has been discussed about the subjectivity and objectivity of epistemic modality (e.g. Lyons 1977, Coates 1983, Palmer 1986). The point of view presented by a modal expression has been understood as being very speaker-oriented, and the relationship between the speaker and the objective reality has been examined. The pragmatics literature, however, has stressed the contextuality of modality. In the article the writer examines epistemic expressions on a scale of certainty in a religious intragroup conversation, with both local and cultural contexts in a key position in the analysis. On the basis of the analysis, the function of modal expressions proves to be quite community-oriented and interactive, and instead of subjectivity and objectivity, intersubjectivity then becomes the most essential factor.
Modal expressions receive different interpretations in different contexts. They express, for example, the relationship between what is being said and the authoritative texts of the community, or in talking of experiences, the nature of the experience and the extent of its community-orientation. When presenting judgements of a speech community, modal expressions are used to ensure the community is not shown in too negative a light, nor any subgroup shown in too positive a light in relation to the community as a whole. In situations of disagreement, modal expressions are used to alleviate conflicts.
A common function of the expressions studied could be seen as their operation as mediator between individual and community. With these expressions the speaker presents him/herself (or others) as an individual and, at the same time, as a member of the community.
Lehtinen, E. (1997). Episteemisyys, yksilö ja yhteisö. Virittäjä, 101(2), 233. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/virittaja/article/view/38961