Muutos ja variaatio Suomen romanin verbien taivutustyypeissä

  • Helena Pirttisaari
Avainsanat: analogia, kielikontaktit, kontaktivaikutus, muoto-oppi, romanikieli, taivutus, verbit, vähemmistökielet


Change and variation in verb paradigms of Finnish Romani (englanti)

4/2003 (107)

Change and variation in verb paradigms of Finnish Romani

The lexicon of Finnish Romani can be divided into thematic and athematic components, the former comprising original Indo-Aryan words and Asian and Byzantine Greek loans, and the latter comprising later European loans. The lexemes belonging to each of these components are marked using different morphs and belong to different paradigm types. The writer focuses on the interaction between borrowed and original morphs in Finnish Romani verbs and demonstrates how the dichotomy between lexical components in Finnish Romani is becoming less sharply defined. This is evident in the analogical integration of verb paradigm types, which is examined using the methods of word-and-paradigm and item-and-arrangement morphology within a frame of reference of natural morphology, Finnish field morphology and functional explanation. The article looks in particular at the motivation for synchronic variation and the link with diachronic changes.

Examination of the paradigm types reveals that the so-called transitive verb paradigm containing little allomorphic variation is both durable and productive: it accommodates new loan words as well as elements of the original, thematic lexicon. The athematic participial suffix is a productive category identifier of the transitive paradigm type, and with abductive generalisation it can also be added to the thematic lexicon. The influence of Finnish on Romani is also evident in morphosyntactic changes such as differentiation of the meanings of participial suffixes into active and passive.

Changes in Finnish Romani must be seen as part of the complex sociocultural context in which it is spoken, as the unstandardised second language of a small linguistic minority. A suitable model for describing change in the language is thus one in which structural and functional factors overlap with extra-linguistic ones, such as the extent of use of the language, control over the language and contact influences.

Helena Pirttisaari


myöntyä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 511)
ylettää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 512)

tammi 4, 2003
Pirttisaari, H. (2003). Muutos ja variaatio Suomen romanin verbien taivutustyypeissä. Virittäjä, 107(4), 508. Noudettu osoitteesta