Att känna sig obekväm men amma ändå

Problematiska känslor och kroppar i berättelser om offentlig amning


  • Lina Metsämäki Åbo Akademi


breastfeeding, feeling uncomfortable, strategies for invisibility


To Feel Uncomfortable but Still Breastfeed Problematic feelings and bodies in narratives about public breastfeeding   Lina Metsämäki   This article focuses on problems and strategies that are activated when a breastfeeding individual is engaging in activities in public spaces. The aim was to examine through the engendered feelings of being uncomfortable which problems a person encounters and what these feelings do to their body. This was done through a close reading of five interviews about breastfeeding in public and comments on an article about public breastfeeding published on the webpages of Svenska Yle during the summer of 2017. Feelings of being uncomfortable did not stop the informants from breastfeeding in public, but the feelings made their bodies engage with the space in a different manner. The informants regulated their bodies through their feelings of being uncomfortable. They used strategies to make their breastfeeding as invisible as possible, such as turning away from public attention or using certain clothes or scarves to conceal they are nursing or going into another room to breastfeed. Feelings like fear, disgust, embarrassment, shame and pain are all connected to the feeling of being uncomfortable. The problems are also connected to the sexual connotations of the female breast and it was important for the informants not to come across as being sexual while breastfeeding. Since the breast is usually considered sexual and men are assumed to be sexually attracted to female breasts problems arise. Other problems concern the fact that other people may be made to feel uncomfortable or being pointed out and receiving negative comments while breastfeeding. Bodily functions can be problematic as well, especially leaking breastmilk that may leave stains on clothing. Another problem was breaking the norms surrounding breastfeeding, for instance by breastfeeding an older child.



How to Cite

Metsämäki, L. (2020). Att känna sig obekväm men amma ändå: Problematiska känslor och kroppar i berättelser om offentlig amning. Budkavlen, 98, 65–92.