Perinnetieteet ja piirrosten tieto

Piirrosten asema Axel Olai Heikelin ja Elsa Enäjärvi-Haavion tutkimuksissa


  • Kari Korolainen



The article deals with drawings in Finnish folklore studies, especially in the studies of ethnologist Axel Olai Heikel and folklorist Elsa Enäjärvi-Haavio. The author argues how the studies, the researchers, and the drawers are dealt with in scholarly history discussions, and, secondly, how these researchers have made use of drawings. Attention is devoted to cultural studies and its contextual approach, as well as ethnomethodology and its focus on the research practices. Visual studies are also briefly discussed. Moreover, the methods of categorisation analysis and multimodal analysis are used in tandem. The research material consists of Heikel’s and Enäjärvi-Haavio’s studies and archival materials. Additionally, several disciplinary history texts are examined.

The article illustrates that Heikel and Enäjärvi-Haavio can be seen as pioneers in their respective fields, and as versatile researchers at the same time. The artist’s role as a drawer is not always self-evident. Moreover, it is argued that the viewpoints of folkloristics and ethnology overlap in some cases. Finally, the drawings are emphasised here as part of the methods. By means of the multimodal analysis it is illustrated how the drawings have concretised their theoretical viewpoints. Thus, drawings here do not serve merely as an illustration.




How to Cite

Korolainen, K. (2014). Perinnetieteet ja piirrosten tieto: Piirrosten asema Axel Olai Heikelin ja Elsa Enäjärvi-Haavion tutkimuksissa. Elore, 21(2).


