Ammattina pilkkarunoilija


  • Pälvi Rantala



The article gives a survey of the poems and life histories of four lampoonists. These four men, called Vihta-Paavo, Pastor of Kalkkimaa, Viina-Matti and Juho Tanholin lived in different parts of Finland in the 19th century. The author examines the poets and their lampoons as part of their own time and community. Who were they and at what did they aim their mockery? In what kind of situations did they create their lampoons and what effect did the poems have in the community? The article also discusses the roles of the lampoonists in their community and the need for them in it. The aforementioned questions are answered by analyzing the poems written by these four lampoonists. Some of their lampoons have been published, and some are collected in the archives. The life histories and stories about the poets from different time periods are also used. The author’s aim is to give a general overview of both the poems and their context. For the poets the creating of lampoons was a self-expression, a possibility of earning their living as well as a social activity. The lampoons also serve as entertainment, a means of communication and as an attribute of power.




Referera så här

Rantala, P. (2006). Ammattina pilkkarunoilija. Elore, 13(2).


