From Security Police to Security Service

Developing Finnish Security Police and the change in its role in Finnish society


  • Mari Luukkonen Valtiotieteiden tohtori


Finnish Security Police, organizational development, management, organizational culture


The usual topics that intrest researchers of Finnish Security Police (SUPO) are counter espionage and counter terrorism. In this article, the viewpoint is however that of organizational development and management on strategic level. The article covers the directorship of Seppo Tiitinen (1978−1990), when the aim was set to bring SUPO to the same level as its Nordic partners. That aim was realised quite well. At the same time SUPO’s role and significance in Finnish society was normalized – it became one authority among others in charge of national security. The most evident failure was the inability to achieve change in organisational culture. In addition, providing significant intelligence for the government didn’t come to realization as intended.