About the Journal

Mikael: Finnish Journal of Translation and Interpreting Studies (ISSN: 1797-3112) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of translation and interpreting studies.

Mikael aims to encompass a wide variety of phenomena related to translation and interpreting and to publish articles reporting on recent research developments. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, Mikael publishes non-peer-reviewed discussion articles, conference reports, book reviews, obituaries, and lectio praecursoria presentations given by doctoral candidates at their doctoral defence. The descriptions of the article types and their publication criteria are available here.

From 2007 to 2023 Mikael was published once a year; as of 2024, there will be two issues per year (consult the Call for Papers for details).

The scientific quality of Mikael is ensured by the editors and the editorial advisory board. The journal's publisher is The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL).

Historical notes

You can read more about Mikael's history here.

Principles of peer review

Mikael has established guidelines for contributors and guidelines for peer reviewers, including a peer reviewer’s evaluation and report form.

The Mikael editors decide which manuscripts are sent out for peer review. Each manuscript is anonymously reviewed by two peer reviewers. The decision on whether the manuscript can be published is made by the Mikael editors on the basis of the reviewers’ evaluations and the editors’ assessment of the revised manuscript. Even a revised manuscript can be rejected if it fails to meet the criteria for a scholarly article. A rejected manuscript cannot be re-submitted for publication in another issue of Mikael.

As of issue 17:1, Mikael articles will incorporate the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications issued by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. This does not reflect a change in the journal's peer review policy. The journal adheres to the label requirements, to the principles of peer review as defined by The Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing (available in Finnish here) and to the Guidelines for the Responsible Conduct of Research by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

Label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies