Henkilökohtainen näkökulma muistiin ja arkistoon
IFTR ja Helsingin yliopisto 1993
This article surveys the Congress of two working groups (Performance Analysis and Historiography) and the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Universities’ Commission of the International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR) at the University of Helsinki in August 15–18, 1993. The Congress was organized by the Department of Theatre Research with its students. I was a member of both working groups and responsible for the practicalities as well as contacts with attending researchers. I see the Congress as a kind of a key experience to the participating groups, and concerning especially Finland, influencing the way of coming research activities. Several attending researchers were also active in the changes of the Federation during coming years and became elected members in its Executive Committee. The Congress and its adjoining program are well documented, as well as recollected. My aim is to prove my view by using research on history, memory and archives and adapting their models to the “knowledge” of archives and my own memory. Another aim is to analyse the process of how indirect physical archive and the straight connection via memory work together.