Esitetyn ja eletyn välissä


  • Marja-Liisa Honkasalo
  • Teemu Päivinen


This article is about an archive seen as an event located between experience and expression. It is based on our performance Connecting phone booth and the research carried on it. Through the prism of lived impossibility, the pathic, we, the ethnographer and the Live Artist, have performed and studied hearing and listening as an unexpected event that disturbs and surpasses common boundaries. We argue that the touch of the pathic creates the archives as contingent, secret events, or as something that can enable new beginnings. Consequently, the archives do not solely preserve spaces or collections but function as unexpected and unique movements and practices. In our performance, the persons with an uncanny experience of hearing voices without a perceived source can give a phone call to the booth. It is located on a public square and the call can be answered by anyone passing by. The performance is carried out by three actors. In addition to an actual person who gives the call and the one who answers, the phone booth also takes the role of an actor. In that role, it mediates between what is said and heard and has a crucial part in making the time delay between. The three actors together constitute a network that makes the performance and the archives possible.




How to Cite

Honkasalo, M.-L., & Päivinen, T. (2020). Esitetyn ja eletyn välissä. Näyttämö ja tutkimus, 8, 204–229. Retrieved from



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