Identifying and transforming habits with contemporary theatre practices


  • Kenneth Siren


My doctoral research project sets out with the notion that theatre pedagogy shows its full potential when it takes the form of a collaborative practice that ties together the everyday surroundings of its participants and the transformative aspects of the artistic process. Theatre practice can be a central site for learning, critical evaluation, and democratic deliberation, taking into account the aesthetic qualities present in all thought and feeling but magnified in art. The main questions of this research are: (1) how can the- atre practices allow participants to identify habits that they would like to transform or replace, and (2) how can collaborative theatre processes be used to create and enact more satisfactory habits. The artistic outcomes of this research will also answer the question, what kind of theatre ensues if the new habits developed in the introduced processes are carried out in the performance situation.




How to Cite

Siren, K. (2020). Identifying and transforming habits with contemporary theatre practices. Näyttämö ja tutkimus, 8, 421–427. Retrieved from


