Adult pedagogy in the breaking stage?

historical and current adult pedagogical issues in Finland

  • Camilla Kovero University of Helsinki
Keywords: aikuiskasvatus [], andragogiikka [], työelämäyhteydet [], valinnanvapaus [], sivistys [], yleissivistys [], aikuisopetus [], valistus (aatteet) [], valistustoiminta [] andragogik [], vuxenpedagogik [], bildning [], allmänbildning [], arbetslivsförbindelser [], valfrihet [], vuxenundervisning [], upplysning (idéer) [], upplysningsverksamhet [] adult education [], andragogy [], freedom of choice [], general knowledge [], connections to working life [], Enlightenment []


In this paper (in Swedish) the approach to adult education in Finland during different periods of time is analyzed. The educational ideology has varied, and the goals have by turns been to enlighten, to cultivate (bilda), to bring up (fostra), to educate (undervisa) and to teach the adult learner. In the modern society the educational policy has focused on the industrial and economic interests of new knowledge, while the individual’s need of understanding and growth has not met the same interest. Finally, two views are suggested as actual perspectives for the postmodern adult education.

Author Biography

Camilla Kovero, University of Helsinki

PhD (pedagogy)

lecturer, educational sciences, University of Helsinki

Sep 15, 2001
How to Cite
Kovero, C. (2001). Adult pedagogy in the breaking stage? historical and current adult pedagogical issues in Finland. Aikuiskasvatus, 21(3), 215–228.