”God svenska med ett kling av västnyländska”

Om förhållandet mellan dialekt och standardsvenska hos utflyttade Ekenäsbor


  • Lotta Collin Åbo Akademi


”Good Swedish with a touch of western Nyland dialect”. On the relationship between dialect and standard Swedish among in-migrants from Ekenäs

 This paper explores the reported language change of Swedish-speaking in-migrants (i.e. persons who move within the same country) in Finland, focusing on people who have moved from a small municipality in western Nyland to other parts of Finland. From a folk linguistic perspective, based on data from a web survey, the study examines the in-migrants' perceptions of changes in their language use on the continuum between the local western Nyland dialect and Finland-Swedish standard language. Overall, the data provide a complex picture. The migrants report differing linguistic starting points and varying long-term language accommodation profiles. Correlations between accommodation profiles and non-linguistic background factors are also investigated using statistical methods. These results show that age at migration, dialect attitudes and senses of regional belonging seem to correlate with reported language change.

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