Editorial Team

The editorial board of the online journal Kulutustutkimus.Nyt consists of two editors-in-chief and two other members. The editors-in-chief serve three-year terms, while the other members of the editorial board serve two-year terms.

Editors-in-Chief 2023-2025

-Elina Närvänen, PhD, Professor, Tampere University, elina.narvanen[at]tuni.fi

-Hanna Leipämaa-Leskinen, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Vaasa, hanna.leipamaa-leskinen[at]uwasa.fi

Other Members of the Editorial Board 2023-2024

-Taru Lehtokunnas, Tampere University, taru.lehtokunnas[at]tuni.fi

-Mette Ranta, University of Helsinki, mette.ranta[at]helsinki.fi