The complexities of genetic technologies

unintended consequences and resposible ethics


  • Elizabeth Ettorre


The purpose of this article is to explore the complexities of genetic technologies by employing a multi-dimensional analysis of these technologies. This type of analysis has been based on the assumption that genetic technologies include specific techniques and procedures, and the whole process of building genetic knowledge and the mode of work which accompanies the development of specific genetic techniques. In the latter part of the article, the need for a gender-sensitive genetics is put forward, while some unintended consequences of genetic technologies with special reference to genetic screening of pregnant women are discussed. The central strand of thought, informing the development of the ideas presented in this paper is that any advancement within the new genetics should have clear and strong links with the field of ethics and that these ethics should be a responsible ethics - ethics framed by and through relationships with the other.





Ettorre, E. (1997). The complexities of genetic technologies: unintended consequences and resposible ethics. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 34(4), 257–267.