Organisaatioiden muutos- ja kehittämisprosessit – luonne ja dynamiikka

  • Asko Miettinen Tampereen yliopisto


Process management, change consulting, and organizational dynamics – Process management seems to be the most popular, yet also the most controversial, management approach in the 1990s. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) has been especially criticized for its single-minded focus on short-term operative efficiency at the expense of longer-term development processes. In this context, the more established quality management and socio-technical schools of thought are more varied in their points of departure and objectives. Developing processes requires that they be understood. Processes are realized in some context. The most important task of process analysis is to understand the mechanisms which set in motion and maintain different processes. This demands an active process vocabulary in which images and rhetoric can function as complementary educational tools, especially where normal rationality or logic are insufficient for interpreting or ex-plaining these processes. In addition, process consulting complements traditional consulting models by emphasizing the creation of a good working relationship between the client and the consultant and the importance of an organization’s non-rational side. In addition to developing the technical-economic focus of the work process, it is important to consider behavioral processes – the organization’s characteristic ways of communicating, making decisions, and learning.
How to Cite
Miettinen, A. (1999). Organisaatioiden muutos- ja kehittämisprosessit – luonne ja dynamiikka. Aikuiskasvatus, 19(1), 37–47.