The human aspect in working life reformation

  • Pentti Pitkänen Helsingin yliopisto


Attended by top politicians, an economic-political conference titled 'The Human Aspect in Working Life Reformation" was held in Joensuu in November of 1987. Adult education was among the Ieading themes of discussion at the conference. This article is a presentation and analysis of the central political and educational ideas expressed in the papers presented at the conference. Almost without exception, the speakers considered education as a means to, achieving the goals of the reformation, improved productivity and social welfare. Education was seen as a means to directing people from one occupation to another, from one task to another. Work and the economy were seen as constituting the premises and basic values dominating people and education in the views expressed by political parties and trade unions. The representatives of the opposition party were alone in placing human value to be of primary importance.

Author Biography

Pentti Pitkänen, Helsingin yliopisto
kasv.tri, Helsingin yliopiston kasvatustieteen dosentti
Feb 15, 1988
How to Cite
Pitkänen, P. (1988). The human aspect in working life reformation. Aikuiskasvatus, 8(1), 4–12.