Structural change and education of the adult population

  • Liekki Lehtisalo opetusministeriö


The article looks into the possibilities of adult education as a tool in the controlled structural change taking place in society, working life, and the cultural scene. The changes referred to presuppose entirely new type of total population education strategy based on the principle of flexible continuing education. The structural change means discarding the education policy of an industrialized society and putting into practice that of a post-industrial society. The new education policy must be one that will ensure each member of society with the necessary knowledge, skill and creative capacities.

Author Biography

Liekki Lehtisalo, opetusministeriö
fil.maist., Opetusministeriön suunnittelupäällikkö
Feb 15, 1988
How to Cite
Lehtisalo, L. (1988). Structural change and education of the adult population. Aikuiskasvatus, 8(1), 13–18.