Further education – a buffer between work and science

  • Matti Parjanen Tampereen yliopisto


This article discusses the relationship of further education in the universities to professional life, caught as it is between academic education and research. Further education should take into account at the planning stage those social phenomena that make their appearance at any given time in the professional world. Further education is able to keep up with the educational needs of those advancing in their careers, but many other typologies employed by professional life researchers are foreign to educational planners. The attitude of the academic and scientific-political schools of thought toward the various forms of further education is also presented.

Author Biography

Matti Parjanen, Tampereen yliopisto
yht.tri, dos., Tampereen yliopiston täydennyskoulutuskeskuksen johtaja
May 15, 1988
How to Cite
Parjanen, M. (1988). Further education – a buffer between work and science. Aikuiskasvatus, 8(2), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96555