Data system introduction and training
experiments at Vantaa judicial district
The implementation of information technology in the office environment has been one of the foremost changes to have taken place in government administration workplaces throughout the late 1980's. The article deals with the organization of the data system introduction and the training provided on the basis of the findings of a longitudinal study. The introduction of the data system was monitored from 1985 onwards and the study is still going on. Data was collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The authors took part in providing the necessary training. The introduction phase took longer than was expected and at first information technology affected the work of only a few people. The scheduling of training turned out be a difficult matter. The central phases of training were the beginning of the development work and the actual introduction of the data system. Finally, the authors present certain recommendations regarding the organizations of introducing data systems and the content of the accompanying training.
How to Cite
Vartiainen, M., & Järvenpää, E. (1988). Data system introduction and training: experiments at Vantaa judicial district. Aikuiskasvatus, 8(3), 4–9.