Opettajan ja opiskelijan vuorovaikutussuhde etäopetuksessa
The article deals with two-way communication between the tutor counsellor and learner in distance study, the factors this interaction consists of, and its connections with learning motivation. The material used in this investigation is based on empirical data from The Correspondence Institute of the Society for Popular Culture and distance education literature. Practical experience and research findings are largely in agreement. The teacher-learner interaction relationship is felt to be important. Yet the connection between the teacher-learner relationship and study motivation remains an open issue. The effect of technological development on the two-way communication system and teacher-learner interaction in distance teaching seems to awaken optimistic expectations about increasing student autonomy. But opposing views also exist. This field invites more research.
How to Cite
Öhrmark, E. T. (1988). Opettajan ja opiskelijan vuorovaikutussuhde etäopetuksessa. Aikuiskasvatus, 8(3), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96567