Turning out EDP experts through the implimentation of multiform teaching in Lapland

Kokemuksia Lapin LAIKO-kokeilusta

  • Eliisa Hacklin Tornion liiketalouden ja tietotekniikan instituutti


This article by Eliisa Hacklin deals with the application of multi-form teaching in Lapland in data processing studies. The central issue in the experiment was to find out how well this type of a course lends itself to be carried out alongside a person's regular job. The experiment was also aimed at providing practical information on the appropriateness of distance teaching methods.

Author Biography

Eliisa Hacklin, Tornion liiketalouden ja tietotekniikan instituutti
lehtori, Tornion liiketalouden ja tietotekniikan instituutti
How to Cite
Hacklin, E. (1990). Turning out EDP experts through the implimentation of multiform teaching in Lapland: Kokemuksia Lapin LAIKO-kokeilusta. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(1), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96651