The future perspectives in the Adult Education Now campaign

  • Pirkko Remes Jyväskylän yliopisto


The Adult Education Now campaign of 1989–1990 is aimed at the implementation of a practice of delegating powers of decision in Finnish educational planning. The idea is to inspire educators in the field to seek out alternative means of adult education. The goal is to activate the various parties to find new areas in adult education, to clarify the situation with regard to the changes taking place in the work of teachers, and to attract the attention of the public to the state of adult education and its potentials. The campaign is a progressive one – it includes a distinct endeavour to cope with the changing environment of the future. With premises such as these, the campaign represents an interesting example of futurological research.

Author Biography

Pirkko Remes, Jyväskylän yliopisto
tutkija, Jyväskylän yliopiston kasvatustieteiden laitos
How to Cite
Remes, P. (1990). The future perspectives in the Adult Education Now campaign. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(1), 16–21.