The concept of literacy in the light of Wittgenstein’s late philosophy

  • Marja Leena Toukonen Vapaan sivistystyön yhteisjärjestö


ln the article, the author deals with the concepts of traditional literacy and functional literacy and then examines the concept of literacy in the light of Ludvig Wittgenstein’s thoughts. Among other things, the author examines Wittgenstein’s language games. According to the author a person can be and is illiterate with regard to new language games whose terminology differs from ones learned previously.

Author Biography

Marja Leena Toukonen, Vapaan sivistystyön yhteisjärjestö
lukutaitovuoden projektisihteeri, Vapaan Sivistystyön Yhteisjärjestö
How to Cite
Toukonen, M. L. (1990). The concept of literacy in the light of Wittgenstein’s late philosophy. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(2), 82–87.