Eastern and western literacy

  • Hannele Koivunen Vantaan kaupunki


The author deals with the eastern and western picture of the world with regard to literacy. She sees the industrialised western person at his worst when confronted by the need to be able to interpret gestures, facial expressions and the surrounding nature. Alongside traditional literacy, functional literacy and computer literacy, the author proposes a “fourth literacy” - that of being able to comprehend wholenesses, the contiguity of life and social unity as required by life literacy.

Author Biography

Hannele Koivunen, Vantaan kaupunki
kirjastotoimenjohtaja, Vantaan kaupunki
How to Cite
Koivunen, H. (1990). Eastern and western literacy. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(2), 88–91. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96671