Stages and visions in the training of educators for the needs of the government administration

  • Yrjö Venna Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
  • Sari Rautiainen


The training of educators for the needs of the government administration has undergone several development stages in the course of which attempts have been made to solve the conflicting goals that exist between the turning out of individual competence and the development of the organization. The article looks at the era from the gaining of independence by Finland (1917) to the present day and the argumentation and measures taken during this period of time. The author then goes on to look at the development potentials that the challenges of the future open up for personnel development within the government administration.

Author Biography

Yrjö Venna, Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
koulutusjohtaja, Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
How to Cite
Venna, Y., & Rautiainen, S. (1990). Stages and visions in the training of educators for the needs of the government administration. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(3), 160–166.