The tension of theory and practice in training integrating research, training and development

tutkimusta, koulutusta ja kehittämistyötä integroivassa täydennyskoulutuksessa

  • Tuula Heiskanen Tampereen yliopisto


ln training, the interaction between researchers and professionals is basically charged with tension. ln this project involving researchers in work life, interaction is created via further training. The collaborating party consists of the government administration personnel. The article reports on the findings of the project, estimates the progress of the training and its effects and the various personality types from the point of view of the learning process.

Author Biography

Tuula Heiskanen, Tampereen yliopisto
erikoistutkija, Tampereen yliopisto
Dec 1, 1990
How to Cite
Heiskanen, T. (1990). The tension of theory and practice in training integrating research, training and development: tutkimusta, koulutusta ja kehittämistyötä integroivassa täydennyskoulutuksessa. Aikuiskasvatus, 10(4), 220–227.