The development of teacher expertise

research findings and points of view

  • Eero Ropo Tampereen yliopisto


Research on the subject of expertise began in the 1960s. Since then it has been examined in several occupational sectors. Gaea Leinhardt, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, initiated research on expertise and divided it into five levels. With nine theorems as the basis, the article deals with the fundamental aspects of the development of expertise. According to the author, research on expertise has so far been directed at differences between those who are experienced and those who are novices. Nevertheless, the processes that have led to these differences are largely unknown.

Author Biography

Eero Ropo, Tampereen yliopisto
tutkija, Kasvatustieteen laitos, Tampereen yliopisto
Sep 15, 1991
How to Cite
Ropo, E. (1991). The development of teacher expertise : research findings and points of view. Aikuiskasvatus, 11(3), 153–163.