Research circle one way to conduct research

eräs tapa tehdä yhteistyötä

  • Lars Holmstrand Uppsala universitet


Research circles (forskningscirkeln in Swedish) are a variation of the study circle concept and they are becoming increasingly popular in Sweden. They are composed of both university researchers and trade union people. The aim is to shed light on a specific problem that the trade unions want to obtain more information on. Researchers place their know-how and channels at the disposal of the circle and get useful, new information from the other members of the circle, people engaged in practical work. It is not so much a question of exchange of information as of giving birth to new information in a fruitful interaction situation whereby the means of solving the initial problem become better pinpointed. The author considers the research circle to be a useful tool in the development of working life research, too.

Author Biography

Lars Holmstrand, Uppsala universitet

tutkija, Kasvatustieteen laitos, Uppsalan yliopisto, Ruotsi

Dec 1, 1991
How to Cite
Holmstrand, L. (1991). Research circle one way to conduct research: eräs tapa tehdä yhteistyötä. Aikuiskasvatus, 11(4), 223–228.