Wisdom and education

  • Jyrki Hilpelä Joensuun yliopisto


The article provides an analysis of the concept of wisdom from the points of view of the great philosophers of the Ancient times, what sayings through the ages tell us about wisdom, and how the concept of wisdom has filtered from our culture. In this analysis by the author, wisdom gets other features and characteristics. “There is hardly any need for proving that wisdom is sought after feature and a central objective in education”, the author points out and goes on to express the wish that teacher training, for instance, should be made to include elements fostering wisdom (e.g. discretion and ability to look at things from a wide perspective).

Author Biography

Jyrki Hilpelä, Joensuun yliopisto
yliassistentti, kasvatustieteen laitos, Joensuun yliopisto
How to Cite
Hilpelä, J. (1992). Wisdom and education. Aikuiskasvatus, 12(1), 4–10. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96785