Health education as a branch of research and training and the everyday application of it

  • Lasse Kannas Jyväskylän yliopisto


The article introduces the reader to the university training of health education experts, the various sectors within health education, health education research topics, and practical tasks and goals of health education. The four major tasks of health education are as follows: 1) educational task, 2) task of exciting interest, 3) mental health task, 4) task of promoting change. The various sectors of health education research were seen to include the following: theoretical health education research, health behaviour research, health education assessment research, and health education’s social research. Health education was given the following comprehensive definition: “The goal of health education is, through educational and communicative means, to support the healthy growth and development of people, to pass on educational health know-how, and to arouse health-promoting ideas for change, and to promote these aspirations aimed at change.”

Author Biography

Lasse Kannas, Jyväskylän yliopisto
apulaisprofessori, terveystieteen laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto
May 15, 1992
How to Cite
Kannas, L. (1992). Health education as a branch of research and training and the everyday application of it. Aikuiskasvatus, 12(2), 68–76.