Humanistic psychology and experiential learning

  • Johan von Wright
  • Maijaliisa Rauste-von Wright Tampereen yliopisto


The article describes the development and central tenets of humanistic psychology, and “experiential leaming” as a method derived from these tenets and used mainly in the field of adult education. The method has been associated with an emphasis on personal growth and the development of the individual’s self. Partly similar methods of experiential learning, stressing the importance of reflective processes, have also been developed on the basis of constructivistic views of learning. In this case, however, the methods are independent of the commitments of humanistic psychology: the goals of the leaming/teaching process have to be constructed, too, and the process is steered by these goals.

Author Biographies

Johan von Wright
emeritus professori, Helsinki
Maijaliisa Rauste-von Wright, Tampereen yliopisto

FT, kasvatustieteen va. professori, Tampereen yliopisto

How to Cite
von Wright, J., & Rauste-von Wright, M. (1992). Humanistic psychology and experiential learning. Aikuiskasvatus, 12(4), 210–215.