Searching for European adult education policy

  • Eero Pantzar Tampereen yliopisto


The article examines EC member countries' trends and recommendations in the national adult education policies as regards the main streams of adult education policy in the community for the 1990s. Falling within the category of comparative adult education, the article also includes an assessment of Finnish adult education from the European point of view. The growing significance of adult education has been realized throughout the EC. It appears to be an impossible task to bring under a common adult education policy this restless continent's multi-faceted adult education that relies so much on ethnic solutions. Neither are there signs of any attempts in this direction. It is more a matter of a wide-scoping European interpretation of what is meant by educational equality and of obligating member countries to back up this policy. When compared to the rest of Europe, Finnish adult education and adult education would appear to do well.

Author Biography

Eero Pantzar, Tampereen yliopisto
aikuiskasvatuksen va. apulaisprofessori, kasvatustieteiden laitos, Tampereen yliopisto
Mar 1, 1993
How to Cite
Pantzar, E. (1993). Searching for European adult education policy. Aikuiskasvatus, 13(1), 15–20.