From mass production to a network

Eilisen ratkaisut ovat tämän päivän ongelmia

  • Jaakko Virkkunen Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus


Mass production required deep-going social arrangements; e.g. in the role of the state, education, organisation of labour, research and development. The efficacy of mass production is in the process of being replaced by new efficacy thinking based on flexible organisations and networks. The keen and efficient exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences that takes place between large numbers of people in networks strengthens and accelerates the learning experience of those involved in an unprecedented manner. First and foremost, teams and networks are needed for the continued improvement of activities by seeking out the causes of disturbances and by deleting them through experimentation with new functional options.

Author Biography

Jaakko Virkkunen, Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
fil.kand. Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskuksen johtava konsultti
Dec 1, 1994
How to Cite
Virkkunen, J. (1994). From mass production to a network: Eilisen ratkaisut ovat tämän päivän ongelmia. Aikuiskasvatus, 14(4), 235–239.