Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of Architectural Research 2014

The 6th Annual Symposium of Architectural Research 2014 and The Annual NAAR Symposium arranged in the October 23–25, 2014 at the Oulu School of Architecture (OSA) is a continuum to the novel tradition of arranging an annual research event by the three Finnish Schools of Architecture. The symposium was arranged for the first time in the year 2009. The current Symposium has besides the national also a Nordic dimension, since the Nordic Association of Architectural Research (NAAR) has arranged the Symposium together with the Oulu School of Architecture. The theme of the symposium - Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-being - is once again actual in the rapidly urbanizing world, and we seem to lack research based knowledge of what kind of built environments has the ability to promote good life, the experience of freedom, health, personal security and good social relationships. Our aim was to discuss how to bridge knowledge gaps between the planning, design, production, use and transformation of the Northern built environment in the context of human wellbeing. In addition, theoretical and philosophical discussion openings were asked for. The Symposium call of papers resulted abstracts and manuscripts covering the themes of Theory and Methodology, Urban Design and Planning, Cultural Heritage, Spatial Experience and Learning and Working Environment. Since the research of human - built environment relationship benefits of a cross and trans disciplinary approach, we wanted to welcome researchers and practitioners in architecture, urban design and planning, geography, cultural anthropology, social sciences, ecology, and other fields related to architectural studies to present their work.
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Architectural Research Symposium in Finland 2014
University of Oulu, Department of Architecture, Publications A61