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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another publication (or the matter has been explained in Comments to the Editor section).
  • The manuscript file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  • The URLs of the references are given, if they are available.
  • The line spacing of the text is 1.5; font size is 12; the text uses italics, not underlining (except for URLs); figures and tables must be prepared in separate pdf files, and their desired places in the text are marked clearly verbally (for example: "Table 1 is attached here").
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements defined in the author's instructions.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

All research articles intended to be published in Kulutustutkimus.Nyt go through a peer review. The peer review process follows the practices of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.  

Submitting a manuscript for review:

- Article manuscripts proposed for publication are sent via the system. If necessary, you can contact the journal’s editor-in-chief or other members of the journal’s Editorial Board by email.

- The offered articles must be saved in two different files, one with the article name and author information, the other with only the article name, abstract and article text. The author must also ensure that the electronic version of the article manuscript does not contain any information from which the authors can be identified.

- The author of an article accepted for publication will be sent more detailed instructions on the format of the text to be submitted to the journal.

- After the list of references, the information of all authors is attached to the article accepted for publication: name, educational qualification/degree, e-mail address, job title and affiliation.

- The author must submit the title and abstract of the article accepted for publication also in English. Correspondingly, the title and summary in Finnish must be attached to an article in English.

- The author should also keep an own copy of the manuscript. The editorial board does not take responsibility for possible destruction or loss of manuscript files.

- Maximum length of the article: The recommended word count of the text to be offered is 4000 to 6000 words (the reference list is not included in the word count). The word count must be stated in the article manuscript.

- Language of the article: The journal primarily publishes articles in Finnish or Swedish. For a justified reason, articles in English are also published.

- Proofreading: The author of the article is responsible that the text is flawless and grammatically correct. The author must take care of the proofreading of the text.

- Abstract: An abstract of no more than 150 words is attached to the article. The purpose of the abstract is to present a brief summary of the content and conclusions of the article.

- General writing instructions: Manuscripts are written with 1.5 line spacing. Do not use first-line indentation, bold font, underlining, or automatic hyphenation. Use italics and footnotes only in carefully considered cases.

- The title of the article is written in font size 16, the first level headings in size 14 and the second level headings in size 12. Write the headings in lowercase letters except for the initial letter. Use capital letters only when necessary or justified.

- Figures and tables: Figures and tables must be prepared in separate pdf files, and their desired places in the text are marked clearly (for example: "Table 1 will be attached here"). Photographs and other images are preferably sent as tiff files. Figures, tables and pictures must be of good quality and the layout of the figures must be done carefully. For example, unnecessary margins should be avoided. The recommended width of figures and tables is 150 mm.

- Quotations: Direct quotations are marked with quotation marks if they are less than four lines long. Longer quotations are written as their own paragraph.

- Marking references and writing the reference list must be done according to the APA (American Psychological Association) standards. However, italics are not used.

  • More detailed information can be found at: and

- References in the text: References are placed within the text in parentheses, e.g., referring to the entire work: Pantzar (1996) / (Pantzar, 1996) or specific pages (Pantzar, 1996, pp. 1-2).

  • If the reference refers to only one sentence, the period is placed at the end of the sentence "... text (Pantzar, 1996, p. 3)." If more than one sentence is referred to, the reference is marked in a separate sentence: "... text. (Allardt, 1982, pp. 17-20).”

- A complete list of references is attached to the end of the manuscript under the heading References. The reference list is compiled alphabetically according to the author's last name. If several publications by the same author are referred to in the text, these are listed in order of publication year from oldest to newest. If the publications are from the same year, they are listed in lowercase letters (e.g., 2004a, 2004b).

  • Articles: Author[s] (year). Title of the article. Journal name, volume (issue number), pages.
  • Warde, A. (2014). After Taste: Culture, Consumption and Theories of Practice. Journal of Consumer Culture, 14(3), 279-303.
  • An article published online before placement in an actual issue: Author[s]. (year). Title of the article. Journal name. Pre-publication online. URL or DOI
  • Brunk, K.H., Giesler, M. & Hartmann, B.J. (2017). Creating a Consumable Past: How Memory Making Shapes Marketization. Journal of Consumer Research. Pre-publication online.
  • Articles in edited volume: Author[s] (year). Title of the article. In N. N. (ed(s).), Name of the volume (pp. pages). Place of publication: Publisher.
  • Halkier, B. (2017). 'Methods and Methods' Debates within Consumption Research. In M. Keller, B. Halkier, T. A. Wilska & M. Truninger (eds.), Routledge Handbook on Consumption (pp. 36-46). London: Routledge.
  • Books: Author[s]. (year). Name of the book. (edition.) Place of publication: Publisher.
  • Trentmann, F. (2016). Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers, from the Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-first. UK/USA: Allen Lane/Penguin.
  • Dissertation, published: Author. (year). The title of the dissertation. Searched /Available [Database Name]
  • Dissertation, unpublished: Author (year). The title of the dissertation. (Unpublished dissertation). University name, Location)
  • Websites: When referring to a specific website, the website address is mentioned in the text. g. YLE (
  • Reference to a specific document or information on a website: Author (date). Document name / title [description] Retrieved from http://URL
  • E-book: Author. (date). Name of the book. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx
  • (date). Name of the book. doi:xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • The author and date are included in the reference in the text (Author, date).
  • References must include the DOI identifier of each publication in the form (NOT THIS WAY: DOI:10.5468/ogs.2016.59.1.1)
  • Example: Scammell, M. (2000). The internet and Civic engagement: the age of the citizen-consumer. Political Communication, 17(4): 351–355.

- If the title, abstract or keywords of the article are changed during the peer review process, the authors are asked to update the information on the website (metadata).

Description of the peer review process

- All research articles intended to be published in the Kulutustutkimus.Nyt journal undergo a peer review.

- Editorials, reviews, book reviews and doctoral dissertation lectures are processed internally by the editors and can be published without scientific quality assessment.

– Publication proposals for research articles are handled by the editors-in-chief or the editor(s) of the special issue.

- The editors-in-chief perform a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the manuscript for publication and decide on the initiation of the peer review process.

- Within 30 days, the author of the publication proposal is sent information about the rejection of the publication proposal or the initiation of the peer review process and its schedule.

- The editors-in-chief or, at their request, the members of the Editorial Board, request statements on the scientific publishability of the manuscript from at least two persons invited to participate in the peer review task.

- The peer reviewers are researchers or other experts in the field of science who are external from the editorial office and are independent in relation to the evaluated manuscript.

- Reviewers act anonymously, but the publication proposal and reviewers' names are saved for all evaluated Manuscripts.

- A person who is a close relative of the author(s) of the manuscript or who works as a supervisor, employee, or supervisor of the author(s) or who has had joint publications with the author(s) in the past three years cannot be selected as an expert for the peer review.

- The peer review examines the coverage of the data, the management of the theoretical framework, the reliability and accuracy of the research implementation, as well as the originality and novelty value of the results in relation to previous research in a manner specific to the discipline.

- Each reviewer suggests either rejecting the publication proposal or accepting it as is or with specified changes.

– Based on the statements, the editors-in-chief or the editor(s) of the special issue and/or the editorial board make the final decision on the publication of the offered manuscript.

- Within 60 days of starting the evaluation process, the authors will be sent information about the acceptance or rejection of the publication proposal, as well as any proposed changes to the manuscript that are considered a prerequisite for publication. At the same time, the reviewers' statements or a summary of them by the editor-in-chief/special issue editor are sent to the authors.

- For manuscripts to be in a format acceptable for publication may require several rounds of comments and responses.

Publication of the article

If the editorial board decides to publish the article, it will be published in the Kulutustutkimus.Nyt journal according to the publication schedule decided by the editorial board.

The article will be published in an electronic format or paper format or both, chosen by the Editorial Board.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.