How to link teaching and research?

Definition of research-led teaching and learning

  • Juha Himanka Helsingin yliopisto
Keywords: research data [], university pedagogy [], reflection (cognitive processes) [], phenomenology [], scientific knowledge [] Humbold, Wilhelm von, Husserl, Edmund, Platon, Sokrates, Aristoteles, tutkimuslähtöinen opetus, JOHARI-malli, todellistuminen, tutkimustieto [], yliopistopedagogiikka [], reflektio [], fenomenologia [], tieteellinen tieto []


Universities have begun to ask what research-led teaching and learning really mean. This article aims to answer this challenging question by providing a definition based on research. Combining research and teaching proved to be a success in ancient Greece as well as in the German-speaking areas in the early 1800s. We will first examine the views held by founders of research universities and then discuss cases illustrating the presence or absence of research orientation in teaching and learning.

Finally, we will combine these approaches into a definition that covers the phases of the analyses: Research-led learning and teaching approach the object of learning from its enactment. It does not follow from the definition that the combination of research, teaching and learning has been solved, but it may help universities reflect on and implement this essential trinity.

Author Biography

Juha Himanka, Helsingin yliopisto

FT, pedagoginen yliopistolehtori
teoreettisen filosofian dosentti, humanistinen tiedekunta
Helsingin yliopisto

How to Cite
Himanka, J. (2012). How to link teaching and research? Definition of research-led teaching and learning. Aikuiskasvatus, 32(2), 86–95.