Educational research in the melting pot

From behaviouristic leaming concepts to reflective ones

  • Maijaliisa Rauste-von Wright Tampereen yliopisto


Although the shift in the international scientific community to dealing with the leaming/teaching process as an interaction has already taken place, here in Finland the covert influence and tradition of the behaviouristic concept of the human being still flourishes in the area of educational research. This being so, there has not been felt to be a great deal of need for questioning this process. Nevertheless, the prerequisite to effective leaming is that the learner has the capacity to leam and possesses so called self-reflective skills. These skills refer to individuals’ ability to comprehend their own actions and to have control over them and rectify them.

Author Biography

Maijaliisa Rauste-von Wright, Tampereen yliopisto
kasvatustieteen apulaisprofessori, Tampereen yliopisto
How to Cite
Rauste-von Wright, M. (1991). Educational research in the melting pot: From behaviouristic leaming concepts to reflective ones. Aikuiskasvatus, 11(1), 4–12.