Quality as the object of continued development of activities

  • Markku Markkula Teknillinen korkeakoulu


The direct and indirect changes taking place in the student, the client, are always the foremost measure of what has been achieved. The benefit to be gained from state-of-the-art quality activity is based on using quality activity as the process framework and tool for a way of thinking that is uniform throughout the organisation and one that emphasises the role of the client. According to the author, systematic application of modern quality activity in training in Finland has been very low-key. As a positive example, the author mentions the KOLA model created as the first stage of a development project called "Quality of Technical University Education". KOLA was given the idea! objective of developing tertiary education institutions into customer-oriented, service organisations adhering to TQM principles.

Author Biography

Markku Markkula, Teknillinen korkeakoulu
Teknillisen korkeakoulun Täydennyskoulutuskeskuksen johtaja; diplomi-insinööri ; Markkula on syyskauden 1993 vierailevana tutkijana ja opettajana University of Wisconsin-Madisonissa Yhdysvalloissa. Markkula toimii kansainvälisen järjestön International Association for Continuing Engineering Education IACEE:n pääsihteerinä.
Dec 1, 1993
How to Cite
Markkula, M. (1993). Quality as the object of continued development of activities. Aikuiskasvatus, 13(4), 265–273. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96910