Ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation as ideals for self-cultivation

A critique of the theory of ecosocial education


  • Antti Moilanen Kasselin yliopisto
  • Pentti Moilanen Jyväskylän yliopisto


ecosocialization, ecoindividuation, ecosocial education, ecosociality, Bildung


This theoretical article critically evaluates the concepts of ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation as concepts that describe the ideal of Bildung. It examines whether these concepts are suitable for determining the goals of education. For this purpose, this article explains the basic concepts of educational science, interprets the concepts of ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation and the underlying understanding of education, and critically evaluates ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation and proposes solutions to the problems within each concept. It is argued that ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation are problematic concepts from a Bildung-theoretical perspective. Ecosocialisation is not socialisation, and ecoindividuation is not individuation. Educational theory, on which the concepts of ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation are based, is also unsuitable for formulating a normative ideal of Bildung. However, the contents of these concepts are justified and may be reformulated by developing a new concept. This article suggests that ecosociality could be a concept to which the meanings of ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation may be attached.




How to Cite

Moilanen, A., & Moilanen, P. (2023). Ecosocialisation and ecoindividuation as ideals for self-cultivation: A critique of the theory of ecosocial education. Kasvatus & Aika, 17(3), 50–63.