Pro Fide et Christianismo -Society and the 18th century Swedish School Reform Discussions
In this article, I approach the role of the Swedish society Pro Fide et Christianismo and its members in the 18th century discussions on education and school reform. I focus especially on the activities of the members serving in the Eastern part of the Swedish realm, Finland. The source material consists mainly of the Society’s archives stored by the Royal Library in Stockholm, Sweden. The society was founded in 1771 to promote “true Christianity” and practical religion and it was an active contributor to book production, school founding and popular education. At the end of the century, the society constituted one of the most important networks for the Swedish clergy promoting education. The study points out the active role of the clergy and of the Finnish membership in the society’s attempts to reform schools and popular education. These attempts resulted in school and book projects discussed in this article.How to Cite
Ahokas, M. (2013). Pro Fide et Christianismo -Society and the 18th century Swedish School Reform Discussions. Kasvatus & Aika, 7(1). Retrieved from