Equality of opportunity and admission policies in basic education


  • Mira Kalalahti Helsingin yliopisto
  • Janne Varjo Helsingin yliopisto


The development of Finnish basic education has included various reformulations of the objectives for the educational system and, also, different interpretations for the concept of equality. In this article, we elaborate the changes in the guiding principles of admission policies in basic education. By analyzing the changing concepts of equality in the education policy discourse and the practices, we explicate different socio-historical forms of admission policies. Based on the trajectory of the forms of selection, we interpret the recent change towards a more individualized concept of equality of opportunity and school choice. We argue that the key question of equality of opportunity in basic education is the balancing act between the principles of the “neighbourhood school” and open enrolment. We conclude that the underlying concepts of equality articulated in those principles are contradictory or diverse and may have elements that maintain, change or increase inequality of opportunity.



How to Cite

Kalalahti, M., & Varjo, J. (2012). Equality of opportunity and admission policies in basic education. Kasvatus & Aika, 6(1). Retrieved from https://journal.fi/kasvatusjaaika/article/view/68311