Educational Science and Academic Writing – Six Dissertations from the 18th Century University of Turku


  • Inkeri Kinnari Turun yliopisto


Education was a growing field of interest for the academic society in the 18th century Finland. In this paper I analyze the manifestations of the development of educational science in six select dissertations of the University of Turku. Published between the years 1738–1776, they show how education was starting to be shaped from everyday reasoning to an increasingly theoretical field of science. Ideological tendencies of the 18th century, such as utilitarianism and the importance of religion and good morals, are reflected in the style and content of these dissertations. They are written in Latin, which was still used in official lectures and dissertations in the University of Turku, despite the efforts to promote the use of vernacular language. The most common feature of academic writing was citing traditional passages from ancient literature. Concrete examples were regarded as important in teaching children, and they were conventionally used in the dissertations as well.



How to Cite

Kinnari, I. (2013). Educational Science and Academic Writing – Six Dissertations from the 18th Century University of Turku. Kasvatus & Aika, 7(1). Retrieved from