Designing e-learning science education material to schools – building synthesis between content, pedagogy and technology (TPACK)
Science education and e-learning materials are key concepts of the 2010s, when it comes to adapting education and teaching to the needs of the changing society. This article discusses what factors need to be taken into consideration when designing e-learning science education material, which supports the implementation of Finnish national science education objectives in schools. The study is based on “Border or no borders” project, which produced e-learning science education material for schools in the context of border studies. Research data include the authors’ notes from the first six months of the project implementation (May-October 2014) and feedback from the students and teachers, who tested the pilot material. The data was analyzed using theory based content analysis and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge -model, which is designed to support the integration of technology in teaching. Our study shows that in order to support the advancement of science education objectives in schools, special attention needs to be paid to the scientific perspective in the e-learning science education material.
How to Cite
Koskelo, K., & Kaisto, V. (2015). Designing e-learning science education material to schools – building synthesis between content, pedagogy and technology (TPACK). Kasvatus & Aika, 9(1). Retrieved from