Secondary Workforce, First Rate Educator. Education, Paid Work and Gender in Women's Magazines in 1966–1972


  • Anne Koskela Oulun yliopisto


This article focuses on the time period (1966–1972) during which women’s entrance to the labor market resulted in a societal structural change in Finland. During this time, the gender contract in Finland was renegotiated. This article analyses the multidimensional societal debate which took place widely for example in media and the Parliament. The paper analyses how this process was visible in two women’s magazines, Kotiliesi and Me naiset. Both these magazines represent a forum in which demands regarding women’s employment were made to society, state and to women themselves. Participation of women in the labor force was not a straightforward transition, but required changes in the public discourse. The analysis shows that much of the discussion revolved around children’s daycare which was the key element of the debate, while women’s education had a minor role. Both women’s magazines took part in the process of restructuring the social relationship between men and women.



How to Cite

Koskela, A. (2014). Secondary Workforce, First Rate Educator. Education, Paid Work and Gender in Women’s Magazines in 1966–1972. Kasvatus & Aika, 8(1). Retrieved from